Friday, October 05, 2007

two words

i just had two words on this isaah thomas thing-- i know i'm a punk, waiting till all was said and done and homegirl's already getting a check.. but it's less about her but.. i want everyone to note that Hip Hop music and culture has gotten the blame for the rampant misogyny in contemporary culture-- however, the two biggest offences of late have been by TWO GROWN ASS MEN; Imus and Thomas, who certainly aren't taking their behavioral cues from Snoop. Oh and those crackers in West Virginia (ditto re: Snoop).

I worked in the music industry for several years and never has anyone called me a bitch (to my face) or deemed it appropriate behavior and I've had heated arguments with some of the most horrible people you'll ever meet (yup, Dame Dash and I head to head on the daily), and I've worked with Snoop extensively- never has he been the slightest disrespectful and I'm cool with his wife-- I aint sayin I support his pimpin, but this is just my experience with the brother. anyhoo.. this week's verdict regarding the rampant disrespect of a sister by a brother was Great! Folks cant get away with that shit-- but yeah, i just wanted to point out the obvious- misogyny and sexism predate Hip Hop and I'm not sayin that there is none there (I applaud Kim Osorio gettin hers from what I'm sure was crazy treatment at the Source), but it should not be blamed as it does not hold the monopoly on this BS and is certainly not it's genesis..


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